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Android Malware Anatsa Targets 600 Financial Applications to Steal Sensitive User Information

Reading time: 2 min

  • Shipra Sanganeria

    Written by: Shipra Sanganeria Cybersecurity & Tech Writer

Researchers at ThreatFabric have discovered a new malware campaign that has been deploying Anatsa, an Android banking trojan that collects users’ financial information. Active since March 2023, the new campaign has seen more than 30,000 installations and seems to be targeted at users in US, UK, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

The Netherlands-based cybersecurity company has been tracking this malware since 2020 and their modus operandi continues to be the same. The Anasta creators release dropper apps disguised as office/productivity tools like office suites and PDF readers/ editors. To avoid detection during Google’s review process, the malware creators initially submit clean apps and later update them with malicious code.

Once installed, the malware takes the user to a GitHub-hosted page where they download a Anasta payload masquerading as an add-on to the original application. Using its keylogging and overlay technique, the malware extracts all financial data including payment information, banking credentials and credit-card details.

This information is later used by cybercriminals to perform phishing attacks. ‘’Anatsa provides them with the capability to perform Device-Takeover Fraud (DTO), which then leads to performing actions (transactions) on the victim’s behalf,’’ the findings revealed. The stolen money is converted to cryptocurrency and transferred to the malware operators through an extensive network of local money mules.

Till date, the malware has successfully avoided detection by the banking anti-fraud systems as ‘’transactions are initiated from the same device that targeted bank customers regularly use,’’ revealed ThreatFabric.

On being notified by the cybersecurity researchers, Google immediately removed these infected apps from its store. However, the creators are known to immediately publish a new disguised version of the app. Thus, it is essential that before downloading any app, users should check the reviews and install well-known apps with higher number of downloads. Having a good antivirus on the device can also keep the users safe from Android malwares.

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